Can dogs eat cat food?

Dog loves cat and vice versa

No! The answer is in the evolution of cats and dogs and the divergence of their “evolutionary paths” some 30 million years ago. Both are scientifically classified within the class Mammalia and within the order Carnivora. The divergence in evolution resulted in dogs becoming members of the Canoidea superfamily and cats becoming members of …

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The Politics of Recalling Allegedly Poisonous Pet Food

Although this short post is about dog food the principles apply to any companion animal foods. For a long time there has been vociferous complaints from dog owners about Nestlé Purina dog treats making their dogs seriously ill and in some cases the owners allege that the food has killed their dog. Personally, I …

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Dogs Eating Cat Food

People question whether dogs eating cat food is OK – for the dog! The cat will be a bit miffed having had her food stolen but this article discusses the ins and outs of dogs eating food for cats. Dogs eat pretty much anything including cat feces and/or cat litter – gruesome. The answer …

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