Cats, dogs, horses and cattle are able to crossbreed but birds, fish and reptiles seemingly cannot. Why?

The litigon Cubanacan

The problem with this question is that it is badly formulated. Therefore, it doesn’t really make sense which means it is difficult to answer. If it was well formulated it would still be difficult to answer (for me at least) 😉. I’ll have a stab at it. But it will be an overview. Above: …

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Ocelot-cougar hybrid is viable

There is a nice reference in Wikipedia to a purported ocelot-cougar hybrid. A mating of a puma and an ocelot can happen but in my travels over the internet you only see it happen in an artificial environment. You see it with captive cats managed by people who either deliberately facilitate mating between two …

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Can a cat have a baby with a bobcat?

1960s purported bobcat hybrid but a tabby domestic cat

The question is interesting because it is loosely formulated. What it is asking is can the domestic cat mate with a bobcat to create hybrid offspring and the best answer comes from Sarah Hartwell when she writes about “domestic hybrid with bobcat and lynx”. I will quote her verbatim because the answer demands a …

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Which cat likes water?

Bengal cat likes playing around in water

Among the domestic cats, the Bengal cat, a popular wild cat hybrid, and a purebred, pedigree cat tends to like water and the same can be said about the Savannah cat which is also a wild cat hybrid. The same can probably said about the other wildcat hybrids e.g Chausie. You can see a …

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What is the smartest type of cat?

Rusty-spotted cat

The smartest type of cat will be the wild cat species. You can take anyone of them. I believe that you will find that it is accepted that the wild cats are smarter than domestic cats. This is translated into another perhaps accepted fact that the wildcat hybrids such as the Savannah and Bengal …

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