Male domestic cat neutering effect on mating behaviour and longevity. Infographic.

The infographic summarises the information that I wish to publish in this article while I have extended the discussion below it. Male domestic cat neutering – effect on mating behaviour and longevity. Infographic. by Michael Broad SOME MORE ON THIS TOPIC (the infographic is a very brief summary of what is stated below). Research …

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Why do nursing female cats sometimes accept and feed another female’s kittens? INFOGRAPHIC.

At heart this is about the domestic cat’s lifestyle when nursing females can be thrown together in a colony situation to which they adapt. The domestic cat is adaptable as they must be despite being essentially solitary. And under these circumstances it makes sense to sometimes share mothering. Also feline, nursing mothers are not …

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Reason why pet and human parents should buy organic foods. INFOGRAPHIC.

As far as I am concerned, this is a very important topic. All parents of pets and kids should be fully aware of the hidden dangers of herbicide chemicals in the food that they eat and give their pets and kids to eat. There are so many in products and around the home. We …

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Feline superfetation explained in an INFOGRAPHIC

Feline superfetation explained in an infographic. by Michael Broad Superfetation Explained (in humans) How common in cats? The exact percentage of cats that experience superfetation is not well-documented, as it is considered an extremely rare phenomenon in feline reproduction. Most of the available information is anecdotal or comes from isolated veterinary case reports rather …

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White cats make bad mothers? Infographic.

White cats make bad mothers? Infographic. by Michael Broad Do some white cats make bad mothers because they are deaf? Deafness in white cats is associated with a genetic condition linked to the “dominant white” (W) gene. While this condition can lead to challenges in maternal behaviors, it doesn’t inherently make white cats bad …

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Lab-grown meat can be as bad as the real thing in terms of health and climate change. Infographic.

Lab-grown meat can be as bad as the real thing in terms of health and climate change. Infographic. by Michael Broad Dr. Marco Springmann of the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University contributed to a recent study examining the environmental and health implications of lab-grown meat. The study, published in Proceedings of the National …

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Domestic cat vacuum activities. Infographic.

Domestic cat vacuum activities are those that help a cat cope with stress, brought on in the classic case of the ‘zoomies’ by an environment in which the cat is unable to express natural behaviours. The infographic explains in a few words. Domestic cat vacuum activities. Infographic. by Michael Broad Here is some more …

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