Curious about your cat’s outdoor behavior? The Cat Tracker Project may solve many mysteries

If you have an adventurous indoor-outdoor kitty who passionately enjoys his or her daily alfresco explorations, I will bet my bottom dollar that from time to time you may become curious about in which areas your cat hangs out and the extent of his preferred territory. But it is not only those who have …

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Cat Middening

Cat middening is territorial marking behavior just like spraying urine horizontally onto objects such fence posts etc. (see above). Obviously the cat is defecating when middening so that that function is being served but the primary function is to mark territory both visually and through smell. It is a very obvious statement, more so …

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Cat Memory: How Good Is It?

How good is a cat’s memory? This is an important question because it affects the behaviour of a cat and it can affect the way our cat interacts and relates to us. However, you will struggle to find solid information about cat memory on the Internet. This page, therefore, is based upon what I …

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Silly moo up the road is feeding my greedy cat

Cat lovers know that people don’t own cats. Although the law says that we do. The law is outdated; old-fashioned and rooted in a time when attitudes towards companion animals were less refined and developed. We are simply companions with our cat. The relationship is mutually supportive. The behavior of many cats reflect this …

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