How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

I think this is quite a complicated question and I’ll try and tell you why. I’m mainly thinking of the full-time indoor cat scenario where there might be half a dozen cats living in the owner’s home. From the cats’ perspective, the house will be divided up into six ‘home ranges’ which overlap in …

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Who’s more territorially aggressive? The human or the cat?

Putin murders thousands of innocent civilians to try and claim the independent territory of Ukraine

We think of cats as territorial and of male cats aggressively fighting each over their territory but humans are infinitely worse. The infographic summarises the situation at 2023. But you can look back in history and see all the wars over territory. The list is too long. Anyway, I don’t need to research it. …

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Cute cat does perfect walking handstands like a gymnast?

Domestic cat performing walking handstand

In an extraordinary video from TikTok we see a cute domestic cat that looks purebred (Brit SH?) practicing walking handstands as if they were human gymnasts. It is amazing. He pulls himself up just like a gymnast. Is there a plausible and practical reason for this form of feline behaviour? I have seen it …

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Cat locked out of bedroom defecates and pees on the living room sofa and is called an ‘asshole’

Cats and babies in harmony together

Here is a very typical “bad cat behaviour problem”. And, in reality, it is not a bad cat behaviour problem at all but a human-created problem. Husband and wife have a baby and the baby sleeps in the bedroom with them. All very normal. For years the family cat slept in the bedroom with …

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Cat paw prints – clipart, photos, info.

Mystery cat picture? A grey-skined Sphynx (hairless cat) lying between some bedding with their fron paws sticking out.

A search for cat paw prints can mean one of two things: a search for clip art of paw prints and/or a cat’s tracks left in sand, earth or snow and sometimes rock! Consequently, I cover both topics on this page. Clip art Below I present a piece a clip art that I have …

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Domestic cat territory – home ranges vary widely

How large is domestic cat territory? As large as the front living room. No, I am being sarcastic but for some this is almost true. I am talking about what is referred to as the ‘home range’ of the domestic cat when free to roam as a high percentage are in the UK, but …

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Difference between cat scratching for body maintenance and scratching for marking territory

Cat scratching near boundaries of their home range

As this is a very specific question, the answer will be by necessity short. The clue comes from the position of the scratch marks. As you know cats mark territory with urine spraying and scratching. Scratching leaves a both a visual and olfactory signal as scent is deposited on the object scratched via the …

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Why do indoor cats spray?

Indoor cat spraying - clean up

The question is asking why indoor cats spray urine, which is done, as you probably know, to establish territory. Because this is the purpose of spraying urine (normally onto vertical surfaces) it occurs when cats feel that their territory is threatened by an ‘invading’ cat. How might this happen to an indoor cat? Some …

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