Should I give my cat food after vomiting?

Should I feed my cat after she has vomited?

The answer to the question depends upon whether your cat is regurgitating or vomiting and the kind of vomiting which is taking place. Regurgitation needs to be differentiated from vomiting so we can get that out of the way first. This topic is veterinarian’s work but cat caregivers need to have some knowledge about …

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12 bad things that can happen when your cat brings in a mouse

Cat catches a mouse and brings it into the home and causes negative consequences for the owner

Last night my cat brought in a mouse. And a lot of things happened which were negative to my life and one thing that was negative to his as it happens. I’ll list them here. There you have a dozen negatives impacting my life just because I live with a top line predator who …

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Cat Keeps Vomiting On Two Year Old Child

This is a “cat problem” posted on the Reddit website seeking advice. It has received hundreds of comments in response, all of which are rubbish. Most are just jokes. The remainder recommend punishing the cat. Unfortunately, this is so typical. I wonder why Yahoo bought Reddit for a billion bucks!? Anyway I thought I’d …

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