Kotor Kitties is a brilliant non-profit spaying and neutering cats in Montenegro


This is an article about Kotor Kitties. They have a nice website which tells you how they started. How they grew into an international organisation. The start is always interesting and vitally important. What motivated April Lynn King, a volunteer, board member and a co-founder of Kotor Kitties? She lives in Seattle which, I …

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Proactivity is the way to deal with feral cats in Australia

Take proactive steps to deal with Australia's feral cats

Australia’s Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, recently declared war on feral cats. I thought that Australia had been at war with feral cats for a very long time so this statement came as a surprise to me. They’ve been killing feral cats (and the occasional pet cat or dog) in Australia for many years as …

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Australian Capital Territory (ACT) acts humanely towards feral cats while the other jurisdictions do not

ACT Government logo

As an introduction I would like to say this: the volunteers who manage feral cat colonies under TNR programs are very decent, kind people. They do their work without charge, freely and with a love of the cats. One TNR volunteers sums it up, “The amount of suffering is the reason that we do …

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Trap-neuter-release has worked well for the stray cats occupying four ancient temples in Rome, Italy.

Stray cat makes home in Roman ruins

This is an example of the success of trap-neuter-release (TNR) in the remains of four temples dating from the third and second centuries BC at the Largo De Torre Argentina site which were first discovered in the 1920s by the builders planning an apartment block. The site was left exposed and it is sunken …

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Trap-Neuter-Return TNR 2022

TNR trapping and ear-tipping

The process of trap-neuter-return (TNR) is well known in the cat world. It is also called: Trap-Test-Vaccinate-Alter-Release (TTVAR) – “alter” means to neuter (male) or spay (female) Trap-Test-Vaccinate-Alter-Return (TTVAR) Trap-Neuter-Release I will adopt the classic trap-neuter-return or TNR in this article. Note: this page has been upgraded and added to and then republished on …

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Meet Boo: Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon celebrates 100,000th cat helped

feral cat

On July 19, an Oregon-based organization recently celebrated the 100,000 cat they’ve helped with their spay/neuter program. The Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon, based in Portland, uses a system they call the ‘feral cat equation,” which is an estimation of how many feral and stray cat’s their program has prevented (think of how quickly …

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Discussion: The ‘vacuum effect’ and new cats replacing a removed colony of ferals

TNR'ed and vaccinated feral cat gets rabies and bites person

This article is a discussion on the ‘vacuum effect’ and feral cats. I invite those of you active (or retired) with real TNR (trap, neuter, return) experience to comment on whether your colony cats keep other cats run off, or, in the case of removed colonies, did new cats take their place. Studies show …

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Thanks to TNR, 30 cats put out of the “kitten making” business in Anne Arundel County

My friend Heather is a cat lover who does her part to make life better for cats in her Anne Arundel County, Maryland neighborhood. Her passion is those who are left to fend for themselves outdoors. The unwanted and abandoned. When I read about one of her recent rescue efforts I knew I had …

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