Reason why most domestic cats bury their faeces. Infographic.

Not all domestic cats hide their feces. Sometimes they don’t in the litter tray perhaps because through excellent cat caregiving they feel equal to their caregiver and non-submissive. If a cat feels secure, confident, and perhaps even equal to its human, it may not feel the need to display submissive behavior by covering its …

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Andean mountain cat might use its decaying faeces to keep warm

Andean mountain cat set against the Andes

The Andean mountain cat is quite well known nowadays thanks to the Internet but scientifically speaking there’s more to know about this small wild cat species that looks a little like a domestic tabby cat. They live, as the name implies, in the high plains of the Andean Mountains where it is bitterly cold …

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Review study by Australians is intended to denigrate the domestic cat

Toxoplasma gondii cyst in mouse brain.

This is my opinion. I form my opinion from many years of reading these reports. I have noticed a trend: Australian scientists looking for ways to criticise the domestic cat for carrying the zoonotic disease toxoplasmosis. From time to time, Australian scientists like to get together to hatch a plan to denigrate the domestic …

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How do I know if I’m feeding my cat good quality dry cat food?

Cat in dry cat food

High quality dry cat food results in a cat pooping ‘normally’ in the cat litter box whereas low quality dry food can lead to poor quality, smelly poop and frequent pooping (see below for more details). This diagnostic method requires the use of a litter tray which is not always available to owners of …

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Cat faeces weaponized in an intense neighbour dispute

Cat shit weaponised in neighbour dispute

NEWS AND VIEWS – CHISWICK, UK: The Times reports on cat faeces being weaponized in a ‘war’ between neighbours over four inches of property! Yep, this is an argument over four inches of backyard. I can understand the annoyance and I can understand the desire to hit out but there must be a better …

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Australian professor claims that toxoplasmosis from cats causes 200 fatal car accidents annually in Australia

Prof Sarah Legge

Professor Sarah Legge, of the Australian National University and the University of Queensland is the lead scientist of a team who carried out a study on the impact of diseases transmitted from cats to people on the Australian economy. These are zoonotic diseases. I’ve not seen the actual research paper but I don’t think …

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What is middening in cats?

Anxiety can lead to middening

Middening in cats is the depositing of faeces in prominent places as an alternative form of scent marking. The others are urine spraying, squat marking with urine (to be distingusihed from cystitis) and scratching. Scratching leaves both a visual signal because the surface is damaged and an olfactory message because there are scent glands …

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