Does YouTube allow videos of animal cruelty?

YouTube don't always remove clear examples of reported animal abuse videos

YES, in practice YouTube allows videos of animal cruelty despite their own policies (as stated by Google online) quite correctly forbidding them. The policy on animal abuse is set out below. The disturbing aspect of this fact is that YouTube allows videos of animal abuse even when the videos are reported by users. It …

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Google has no legal obligation to remove animal abuse videos on YouTube

Fake animal rescues of YouTube

There’s recently been a lawsuit filed by an animal rights group, Lady Freethinker, to try and legally force Google to do more to keep videos of animal abuse off the YouTube website. The lawsuit failed because Alphabet Inc.’s Google is protected by section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a federal law, which shields …

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‘thatlittlepuff’ is TikTok’s biggest earner at $26k per post (June 2022)

thatlittlepuff is number one on TikTok

According to the website, ‘thatlitttlepuff’, an attractive gray-and-white influencer cat with blue eyes, is the most successful TikToker with 27.8 million followers at the date of this post but this number will be out of date pretty quickly because the number is going up rapidly even today. Thatlitttlepuff has 594.2 million likes. The …

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Allegedly cat held hostage in high profile business negotiations

Pool Molli and Betsy the cat held as hostage in business negotiations allegedly

A convoluted story of business negotiations and possible shenanigans (if you are a cynical old-timer like me) concerning businessman Tim Pool, an associate or partner of his, Emily Molli and Betsy, who is Molli’s cat. Pool is a multi-millionaire YouTuber and businessman who got rich on disseminating the news. That’s how I see it …

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