Prebiotic milk oligosaccharides to improve domestic cats’ gut bacteria

Prebiotics to benefit cat health

There is an interesting research paper published on the Science Daily website dated March 9, 2021 which I think is worth mentioning. I think this research may result in better cat food in the future. You can read quite a lot about human milk oligosaccharides which are ingredients of human breast milk and the …

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Two-year-old Ragdoll cat had never been brushed which destroyed her coat

Misty, a two-year-old Ragdoll cat, had never been brushed in her life – meaning vets at Blue Cross animal hospital in London spent more than an hour clipping her fur which weighed 200 grams. Ragdoll cats are purebred and a desirable cat (for most). Sadly this cat owner, about which we have no details, …

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