Winter blues in dogs: how seasonal changes affect canine behavior and well-being

My infographic summarizes a report in The Times newspaper yesterday (23rd January 2024 written by Rhys Blakeley) of a survey on the possible winter blues suffered by some canines. I think it fair to say that what is said about companion dogs may also in some households apply to domestic cats. There is probably …

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Cats are aloof? They grieve for their friends. Infographic.

Cats are aloof? They grieve for their friends.

I have compressed the results of a research project by Prof. Jennifer Vonk and Brittany Greene entitled: Is companion animal loss cat-astrophic? Responses of domestic cats to the loss of another companion animal, into an infographic in order try and get Google to recognise its existence as Google’s catastrophic algorithm changes four months ago …

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2 reasons why it hurts more when your cat dies compared to a close relative


There are 2 reasons why it is not uncommon for cat owners to feel more distress and emotional hurt when their cat passes over the rainbow bridge than when relatives die including parents or a husband or wife. This is not a universal formula but I think it will be true on many occasions. …

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Cats don’t feel embarrassment. I explain why.

Cats don't become embarrassed

It may seem ridiculous to some people to discuss the emotion of embarrassment in relation to the domestic cat but I think it is worthwhile writing a short note about it as it is an emotion and cats feel emotions. It is just a question of whether cats feel the rather complicated emotion of …

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Emotional impact on TNR caregivers when their cats were shot by the authorities

The emotional impact on TNR workers when their cats were shot in Newcastle, NSW, Australia

The emotional impact on TNR caregivers when their cats were shot by the authorities is shocking. This is an interesting approach to discussing the ‘feral cat problem’. Most of the time the focus is on how to get rid of feral cats. An attitude which is predominant in Australia and New Zealand. And the …

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Domestic cats recognise through sight and sound certain human emotions and respond

Domestic cats recognise human emotions from sound and appearance

Summary of a scientific study: “Emotion Recognition in Cats” The report concerns the results of a study on cats’ ability to recognize and respond to emotional expressions in both conspecifics (other cats) and humans. The study found that cats were able to match visual and auditory signals of certain emotions, such as “hiss” from …

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Losing your cat companion can be a deeply painful emotional experience

Skippy and Teresa Hogan

Most cat owners have a close relationship with their domestic cat companion. It can be at least as strong as any relationship between people. For many the relationship that they have with their cat is the key relationship in their lives. And I don’t want anybody who reads this to snigger and think it’s …

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Is it okay to grieve for a pet?

Grieving on the loss of a cat is entirely normal and to be expected

Is it okay to grieve on the loss of your cat companion? I am surprised that the question has been asked but Google found it and I’m going to answer in a way that millions of other people would answer it. It is entirely okay and entirely normal for a person to grieve on …

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