Top 10 pet health insurers in the UK and what insurance does not cover

Pet health insurance

It’s useful for cat and dog owners to know what others consider to be the best insurers and also to be aware of the exclusions to health insurance cover before embarking on purchasing a product. I am going to rely on Trust Pilot, the online review business to list the top 10 best insurers. …

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Is chemotherapy for cats worth it?

Cat on chemo

I am not a veterinarian but I can rely on Ben the Vet on TikTok and other veterinarians to provide a good answer to the question in the title. And, actually, it is quite a straightforward question to which I am able to provide a good answer. There are two key points: Limited side …

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Provision of veterinary services should be funded along the lines of the best human healthcare systems

Veterinary healthcare should mirror human healthcare hybrid systems

A cursory investigation will tell you that dogs are taken to the vets much more than cats and cats are not taken to the vets enough. Cat owners resist taking their cat to the vet. I am one of those cat owners. It is not about money for me but the hassle. But vets …

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UK pet owners go abroad to cut bills for veterinary treatments

Equity funds have bought vet clinics in UK and are exploiting the business

NEWS AND VIEWS-UK: In an extraordinary development, I’m told that in the UK, cat and dog owners are flying abroad to places like France and Turkey to seek treatments for their companion animals which are priced reasonably and which are a fraction of those charged in the UK. And the reason why many veterinarians …

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Connection between hard water and urinary crystals in cats?

There are indications, based upon a study carried out by a large pet medical insurer, that there is a connection between urinary tract health problems, particularly crystals in the urine, and hard water. BUT there are counterarguments and this is only one study. I can’t find others which supports this. Note: this page was …

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Cost of pet insurance in UK can be the same as the cost of car insurance (2023)

Cat health insurance

The Which? website lists the most expensive breeds of cats and dogs to insure but the information is confused except in one way: it’s expensive and in certain instances the equivalent of insuring your car. The average cost of car insurance in the UK is around £400 depending upon the type of insurance you …

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7 tips (and thoughts) on saving cat caregiving costs during the cost-of-living crisis

Cutting costs in looking after your cat during the cost-of-living crisis

Here are 7 tips combined with some reality-check thoughts on how to save cat caregiving costs during the cost-of-living crisis in the UK. A lot of people will want to try and save money over the winter particularly with dramatically escalated gas and electricity charges. There are reports of an increase in cat and …

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Third-party liability insurance for dog or cat

Pet insurance

It is worth briefly mentioning third-party liability insurance for a dog or a cat. I’m talking about insurance which protects the dog’s owner from a claim for compensation by a person bitten by their dog. The same applies for cats but less so. Standard pet health insurance policies should include third-party liability insurance if …

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