8 ways to have an indoor/outdoor cat and feed birds without jeopardizing the birds

8 ways to have an indoor and outdoor cat and feed the birds while protecting them

Here are 8 suggestions on how to be the caregiver of an indoor/outdoor and feed wild birds while minimising the predation of the birds that you feed by the cat that you care for! Note the obvious: keeping a cat indoor full-time is the obvious and total solution. The world is drifting towards that …

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Ongoing grounding of cats in Walldorf for three months annually to protect endangered bird

Cat predation on crested lark curtailed by Walldorf's administrators

A German town, Walldorf, ordered residents to lock their cats indoors over the summer for the next three years or face a fine of €500. The move was designed to protect ground-nesting, endangered crested larks; particularly the hatchlings who are very vulnerable. Fines could rise as high as €50,000. Ornithologists were clearly delighted at …

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Domestic cats don’t cause bird populations to decline says the RSPB

An ultrasonic cat deterrent recommended by the RSPB

The RSPB say that domestic cats do not cause bird populations to decline. A bold statement that requires serious consideration. I remember addressing this issue a dozen years ago when the RSPB said the same thing then. For those who are unsure, the RSPB is the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. It …

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Noticeable, brightly coloured, cat collar protects birds from cat predation (47 – 54% reduction)

There is a product on the market called Birdsbesafe®. They are fluffy cat collars in very bright colours. They are deliberately bright because songbirds see bright colours especially well. You can immediately understand the idea. The cat stalks a bird. The movement of his collar is picked up by the bird. The bird flies …

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American ornithologists exaggerate the number of birds killed by domestic cats in the USA

Cat hunting birds

On their website, the American Bird Conservancy state that domestic cats that are allowed outside in the USA “kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year. Although this number may seem unbelievable, it represents the combined impact of tens of millions of outdoor cats.” It is common knowledge that there are more domestic cats allowed …

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A cat’s cunning or coincidence? Trapping birds or likes to eat bird seed?

Napoleon, stalking prey this summer

by Phil (London, UK) I have three wonderful cats, a seven-and-a-half-year-old moggie called Triftji, and a pair of Egyptian Maus, Sinbad and Napoleon, both eighteen months old. There have been several amusing incidents with my little Maus, but one in particular really tickled me recently. There was an amusing incident this morning with the …

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Major bird conservation organisation, BirdLife International, puts impact of cats in perspective

Cat looking at bird outside

BirdLife International report states that threats to birds are of ‘humanity’s making’. BirdLife International is the largest international partnership for nature conservation. They are a go-to organisation to understand the status of birds on the planet in respect of their conservation and decline in numbers. As one of 15 different non-native species, the contribution …

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The inherent bias and unhelpfulness in the book ‘Cat Wars’ by Peter Marra and Chris Santella

Cat Wars

You can buy the book Cat Wars by Peter Marra and Chris Santella on Amazon. They describe cats as “environmental contaminants like DDT”. They claim that they spread disease and disrupt the ecological balance of the environment. They have a chapter lewdly entitled “Zombie Makers”. They describe how domestic, stray and feral cats spread …

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