Adopt a ginger harlequin cat if you don’t like domestic cat hunting

Red harlequin cat

This is a fleeting idea but it is based on what I hope is logically deduction. We know that brightly coloured collars worn by domestic cats allowed outside help to protect birds. The birds pick up on the movement of the brightly coloured collar as the cat stalks them. This gives them time to …

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Hundreds of dead birds picked up in a morning at the base of 1, 3, 4 and 7 World Trade Centers

Birds killed by flying into World Trade Center NYC one morning. Many were not picked up and photographed.

The World Trade Centers (WTC) are proving fatal to migrating birds. The topic is of interest to cat advocates due to cat predation on birds. But what if cats are eating the birds killed when they fly into buildings? Cats have difficulty in catching birds which is why they are a relatively small part …

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POLL: how many birds does your cat kill per year? Please complete it to scotch ‘rumours’ of cats killing billions of birds.

Cat hunting birds

Please complete this poll. It won’t take you more than five seconds! It is half way down the page. I think it will help because the ornithologists like to promote the idea that domestic cats kill billions of birds annually (see base of page) and this only applies to America! Ornithologists want domestic cats …

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Do this to slash bird deaths at a stroke (no cats involved)

Chicago Field Museum

If you want to slash bird deaths at a stroke then turn the lights off at night in city buildings. Ornithologists and bird lovers have long criticised the domestic, stray and feral cat for decimating bird numbers across the planet. They lobby governments to do all manner of things to stop this happening, some …

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Rats or cats? Which is the worst for killing island species?

Archipelagos are a cluster of islands and the species living there are vulnerable to introduced species like rats and cats

Every scientific paper that you read regarding the extinction of native species on small islands in archipelagoes always refer to cats and rats as the top two culprits. One scientific study starts, “Invasive rats are one of the world’s most successful animal groups that cause native species extinctions and ecosystem change, particularly on islands”. …

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Donald Trump brings cats into the presidential election campaign

Inadvertently and in typical Donald Trump style, he has brought domestic cats into the presidential election campaign. He doesn’t like wind power. He doesn’t like wind turbines for various reasons one of which is that the energy produced by wind turbines is expensive and another is that they messed up the landscape from one …

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Bird attacks domestic cat. Cat makes mighty leap in retaliation.

Domestic cat leaps high and far to catch a bird

Flying kitty from r/gifs My impression is that this bird is a magpie and she is defending her young. I’m not an ornithologist so I am assessing what’s happened as a layperson (update: the magpie is attacking the cat during nesting season). The cat, which looks like a dilute ginger tabby, simply wandered onto …

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Picture of 232 animals injured by cats in 2019 that could not be saved by WildCare Animal Hospital

232 animals injured by cats and which died at one hospital in California

Here is a photograph by Jak Wonderly of 232 animals that were injured by cats during 2019 and which could not be saved by a non-profit wildlife hospital based in San Raphael, California, USA: WildCare Animal Hospital. The hospital was able to save 89 of a total of 321 animals that were brought to …

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