RSPCA Barrow paints a picture of a broken human-to-cat relationship

Can you afford to care for your cat to a high standard? Are you pressed financially to do it?

I’ve just been surfing the Internet and bumped into a story about the RSPCA in Barrow, UK. This is Barrow-in-Furness which is just south of the Lake District National Park. It’s in the north of England and there is a slightly different culture in the north compared to the south in general and it …

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Man asks AITA for telling girlfriend to give her cats to a shelter. Response: YTA.

Man asks AITA for demanding that his gf gives up her cats if she lives with him

Scenario: This is about the impossibility of an ailurophile living with an ailurophobe! Man gets good job and wants to buy a house. His brother will live with him. Both hate cats. His girlfriend loves cats and has 2. He tells her that she will have to give the cats to a shelter if …

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Why do people abandon their cats in the USA?

Barney a relinquished cat

To answer the question in the title I am going to rely on a very substantial survey from the United States conducted in the late 1990s from the Regional Shelter Relinquishment Survey Study. It was a team effort between the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy and researchers at four American veterinary …

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Covid saved the lives of 4 million companion animals in the USA

Empty shelters thanks to Covid and increased adoptions

It’s an extraordinary twist of fate; Covid has saved the lives of about 4 million companion animals in the USA. This is because of soaring adoptions during the pandemic. The information relates to 2020 so it’s a bit out of date and I can’t find current figures. I would expect the current figures to …

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Cat abandoned after 18 years because the family ‘didn’t want cat hair any more’


On a person (Reddit username: u/DoctaEiffel) posted the headline Dumped at a shelter after 18 years because his family “didn’t want cat hair anymore,” now he lives in our sanctuary. Welcome, Pumpkin! It has caught the eye of Internet users. Newsweek published an article on it. The comments on indicate dismay and …

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Information about people giving up their shelter-adopted cats

Cat ready for adoption

It goes without saying that not all adoptions of cats from animal and cat shelters results in a long-term relationship. At the heart of the failures is the lack of a solid emotional attachment between person and cat. And behind that it may be fair to say that there is a need to educate …

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Factors affecting the success rate of shelter cat adoptions

Factors affecting the success rate of shelter cat adoptions

Not all cat adoptions from animal shelters are successful. They don’t lead to a relationship for the lifespan of the cat. A study in 1992 by Kidd et al. tells us what sort of factors can influence the success or failure of an adoption from a shelter. In one study the scientists did a …

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