Trapping, spaying and neutering, and rehoming or releasing (TNR) stray cats is an act of kindness and not a crime.

Trapping, spaying and neutering, and rehoming or releasing (TNR) stray cats is an act of kindness, not a crime. Right? Apparently not in Wetumpka, Alabama where Judge Jeff Courtney convicted two ‘cat ladies’ on Tuesday of several charges. Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, were convicted on four counts and received a punishment …

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15 ‘facts’ about the feral cat populations of various cities

Feral cat in Los Angeles

It’s quite interesting and instructive to take a look at the stray and feral cat populations of various cities of the world. It helps us understand the relationship that citizens of these cities have with domestic, stray and feral cats. In some countries and therefore in some cities feral cats are sometimes referred to …

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Can dingoes suppress feral cat numbers?

Dingoes are not very good at controlling feral cats

I’ve read three reports on studies which indicate to me that dingoes can suppress feral cat numbers in a particular area directly but not indirectly. They are not very effective therefore in controlling feral cat numbers in Australia. Complex interplay between Australia’s feral cats, invasive rabbits and native mammals Direct suppression When dingoes and …

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Cost-effective vet appointments restrict TNR programs

Oneida city council members at the meeting to discuss feral cats and other issues

This is a feral cat story from Oneida, New York. Oneida is a city in Madison County, New York State. As is the case in many other American cities they have a group of volunteers who carry out TNR programs to try and stabilise the feral cat population. They are called the Cat Committee. …

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Complex interplay between Australia’s feral cats, invasive rabbits and native mammals

Feral cat of Australia

There is a confusing (to me) and complex interplay between the feral cats on the Australian continent, the rabbits upon which they prey, and the conservation of precious native mammals. European rabbits were introduced to Australia in the 18th century. European cats were also introduced to the continent at a similar time (as were …

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Arrogant hunter addicted to killing feral cats

Trapped cat

He is a self-declared redneck. I can barely bring myself to write about this person. This is because he is so different to me. He is different to millions of Americans as well. He confesses that he is addicted to hunting, fishing and trapping et cetera. Included in that desire to kill animals is …

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Number of free-roaming and feral cats USA (2022)

NYC feral cats are from Dutch stock

Conclusion: There are around 90 million free-roaming and feral cats in the USA as at 2022 broken down to 30 million free-roaming domestic cats and 60 million feral cats. This number can’t be set in concrete as the raw information is not very accurate as it is very hard to count cats both domestic …

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Scientists have designed a contraceptive to limit gray squirrel numbers so why not feral cats?

Grey squirrel in my garden

On reading the story about the creation of a contraceptive specifically designed to reduce the population size of gray squirrels in the UK, I immediately thought of the feral cat in Australia. If you want to do something humane for feral cats on the planet, think of the feral cats of Australia where they …

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