For TNR to operate there can’t be a law that forbids feeding feral cats

TNR work

TNR – trap-neuter-release is a well-versed aspect of feral cat control. It is conducted all over the US and many other countries. The TNR programs are run by happy and committed volunteers for which they deserve the praise of the communities in which they live. Feeding feral cats is part and parcel of TNR …

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Jonathan Franzen versus Nathan Winograd

Franzen versus Winograd

I feel I need to briefly discuss the battle between Jonathan Franzen and Nathan Winograd. Nathan Winograd is the prime mover and shaker and founder of the American No-Kill movement, which has saved the lives of probably hundreds of thousands of shelter cats. He is a highly committed animal advocate and the most knowledgeable …

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Humane Society breaks partnership with local authority because they secretly planned to trap and kill feral cats

Granite Shoals

NEWS AND COMMENT: For me this is an interesting story because it tells us, once again, how local authorities in America and in the UK and I presume other countries struggle with feral cats. Within local authorities there are council members who want to operate TNR programs as the method to control feral cat …

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Kotor Kitties is a brilliant non-profit spaying and neutering cats in Montenegro


This is an article about Kotor Kitties. They have a nice website which tells you how they started. How they grew into an international organisation. The start is always interesting and vitally important. What motivated April Lynn King, a volunteer, board member and a co-founder of Kotor Kitties? She lives in Seattle which, I …

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Proactivity is the way to deal with feral cats in Australia

Take proactive steps to deal with Australia's feral cats

Australia’s Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, recently declared war on feral cats. I thought that Australia had been at war with feral cats for a very long time so this statement came as a surprise to me. They’ve been killing feral cats (and the occasional pet cat or dog) in Australia for many years as …

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Australian Capital Territory (ACT) acts humanely towards feral cats while the other jurisdictions do not

ACT Government logo

As an introduction I would like to say this: the volunteers who manage feral cat colonies under TNR programs are very decent, kind people. They do their work without charge, freely and with a love of the cats. One TNR volunteers sums it up, “The amount of suffering is the reason that we do …

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Trap-neuter-release has worked well for the stray cats occupying four ancient temples in Rome, Italy.

Stray cat makes home in Roman ruins

This is an example of the success of trap-neuter-release (TNR) in the remains of four temples dating from the third and second centuries BC at the Largo De Torre Argentina site which were first discovered in the 1920s by the builders planning an apartment block. The site was left exposed and it is sunken …

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Possible cat contraceptive injection for the not-too-distant future

Cat contraception

Today, The New York Times reports on cat contraception. This, as I see it, is the Holy Grail for many people concerned about the procreation of stray and feral cats. TNR programs are effective in a limited way because they are conducted in a limited way. The task is too big to control the …

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