10 countries (only) where the domestic cat is a native species

Fertile Crescent

On my reckoning, there are only 10 countries where the domestic cat is a native species or a non-invasive species. In all the other countries of the world the domestic cat could be described as an invasive species. So, what is an invasive species and where are these countries? Well, an invasive species is …

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Maine Coons are non-native to the USA. Discuss.

Mr and Mrs Maine and kitten plus Ms Human who looks after them

I have noticed that some Maine Coon breeders say that the Maine Coon is native to America. And the UK’s Premier cat Association, GCCF, says the same thing. If you believe in the scientific concept of non-native species, they are incorrect. A native species is one which completely originates in the place where that …

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Conflict between animal welfare and conservation in Australia

The conservation of wild animals should go hand-in-hand with animal welfare. They are two branches of the same thing. Conservation protects wild animals and animal welfare laws protect wild and domestic animals. However, in Australia conservation is in direct conflict with animal welfare. They’ve got themselves into an unholy mess on the issue of …

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Rats or cats? Which is the worst for killing island species?

Archipelagos are a cluster of islands and the species living there are vulnerable to introduced species like rats and cats

Every scientific paper that you read regarding the extinction of native species on small islands in archipelagoes always refer to cats and rats as the top two culprits. One scientific study starts, “Invasive rats are one of the world’s most successful animal groups that cause native species extinctions and ecosystem change, particularly on islands”. …

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Does Australia have a native cat?

Colonisation of Australia

Are there any cats native to Australia? No, there are no cat species native to Australia. This is another reason why the authorities – state and federal governments – on the continent, in general, hate the feral cat which they believe decimates their native species, particularly their small mammals. The reason why feral cats …

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Picture of feral cat with rat in mouth used as example of ‘US national parks overrun by invasive species’

Feral cat with rat in mouth in US national park

A picture of a ginger tabby-and-white feral cat with a rat in his mouth is used to illustrate an article by CNN on the calamitous state of America’s famous national parks as they are overrun by feral cats, rats and hogs. Invasive species, both plants and animals, are a long-standing threat to the National …

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Australian cutting-edge program to poison feral cats could kill pet dogs too

Felixer being put down

This is described as a cutting-edge program to kill feral cats in Australia. You put a machine, the ‘Felixer’, on the ground in a well selected site and it squirts a specific amount of a poison (1080) onto the cat’s fur. The cat licks it off and dies. Voilà, job done. I presume cats …

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