5 reasons why a male domestic cat might bite and kill kittens

Colony of cats out at night

I’m referring to male domestic cats and community cats. The best answer for this comes from Dr. Desmond Morris (Catwatching) and Sarah Hartwell (messybeast.com), both cat experts. They would probably provide at least two reasons as to why a male cat might bite his kittens but there are five in all. The first is …

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I prefer the unneutered male cat appearance

Is there anyone else who prefers the unneutered male cat appearance, as I do? I’m only referring to one aspect of the appearance of unneutered male cats: the head shape. It would be interesting to know if men or women prefer the unsterilized cat head shape. I sense that women prefer it. Mature un-neutered …

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Blinded by battle, beat up male street cat finds a home

Floyd Mayweather in cage

NEW JERSEY, USA: A battle-scarred, blind street cat has been given a home. This chonky male tabby has been renamed Floyd Mayweather after the boxer by his forever human companion and caregiver. He has found warmth and love in stark contrast to his life on the street where he became blind due to constant …

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Aggressive tomcat coming into your house to attack your cat. How to stop it.

Aggressive roaming male cat

Background Humans often live in a row of houses with backyards and fences delineating their property boundary. Domestic cats don’t recognise boundaries. They just recognise space, the space that they claim as their own. It crosses human boundaries. They don’t understand doors and windows. If a neighbour’s cat comes into your home the cat …

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