How to tell if a blind cat is asleep or awake (✿◡‿◡)

Telling if a blind cat who has lost their eyes is asleep or awake

I’d never thought of this before. I am not even sure it is a great topic for discussion but it caught my eye in TikTok because it is unusual. Normally the main way you can tell if a cat is asleep is because their eyes are closed (❤️ ω ❤️). For blind cats that …

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Blinded by battle, beat up male street cat finds a home

Floyd Mayweather in cage

NEW JERSEY, USA: A battle-scarred, blind street cat has been given a home. This chonky male tabby has been renamed Floyd Mayweather after the boxer by his forever human companion and caregiver. He has found warmth and love in stark contrast to his life on the street where he became blind due to constant …

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Are blind cats more affectionate?

Samuel a loving and highly affectionate blind cat rescued from a hoarder

Are blind cats more affectionate? I don’t know for sure but I’ll guess that they are because they are more vulnerable. They need a human carer more urgently than a sighted cat. They are more dependent on a human guardian. This may strengthen the relationship which may lead to a blind cat becoming more …

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Kendra, a partially blind cat declawed on all four paws, was re-homed last Christmas

Kendra rehomed

Back on 2nd December 2018 Elisa reported on Kendra, a black cat who was partially blind and declawed on all four claws; tough life for her (link to the article – opens new tab/window). She was at Paws Humane Society Rockford at the time and ready for adoption. Melissa on March 5, 2019 at …

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