Did Jeffrey Epstein try to scare off journalist with cat’s severed head and a bullet?

Graydon Carter former editor vanity fair

NEWS/VIEWS – NETFLIX’S JEFFREY EPSTEIN: FILTHY RICH: The Netflix documentary on Jeffrey Epstein called Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich was released on Wednesday. It is a four-parter. It includes the testimonies of many survivors who claim he abused them. Part one featured the investigation in 2011 by Vanity Fair journalist Vicky Ward. At the time …

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How big are Maine Coons? This picture shows you.

Omar and Ru

These pictures of Oscar, a beautiful ginger-and-white tabby Maine Coon with Ru, a tortoiseshell-and-white, are nice for the reason that they show us how big Maine Coons are or can be because not all Maine Coons are enormous although they are the biggest domestic cat breed other than the high filial wild cat hybrids …

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When do domestic cats become sexually active?

6-month-old tabby female on Pets4Homes

Domestic cats become sexually active when they are nearly 12-months-of-age. However, it varies. For males the youngest sexually mature age is, unusually, six months. Some are sexually mature at 8 months but typically it is between 11-12 months. It may be longer for stray cats at 15-18 months because they are given less chance …

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What is the difference between a tame animal and a domesticated animal?

Tame or domesticated cheetah?

The word “tame” is an umbrella term which includes “domesticated”, so the difference is that a “tame animal” describes a wider range of animals than the term “domesticated animal”. Also the word “tame” can be used in some non-animal contexts such as a person being tamed by another. Both words can have the same …

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Mummified walled up cats for sale on ebay. Is this ethical?

Mummified walled up cat

At the time of this post there are two mummified cats for sale on ebay. One is described as a “MUMMIFIED WITCH’S CAT – WALLED UP – GAFF 18th CENTURY” and the other as a “Real Rare Mummified Cat With Rat And 2 Mice From The Haunted Museum”. A third on offer appears to …

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