Every cat has their favourite way of being petted so find and deliver it to make them happy

Cat's sensitive spot

You’d agree that it is the sworn duty of all cat caregivers to keep their cat safe and make them happy. Those are the two goals and the former precedes the latter. I believe that every cat has a preferred way to be petted. There is no universal petting method. How cats like to …

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Do cats accept the touching or petting of their paws?

Cat petting acceptance and rejection road map

NO, not NORMALLY is the answer to the question in the title but there are exceptions. The paws of the hind legs are almost always out of bounds in my experience. More so than the forepaws. But after living with my cat for around 8 years and developing an ever-closer relationship, he likes me …

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Has your cat been traumatised by a visit to the vet?

Vet with cat. The way it should be.

I was reading a section by Dr. Desmond Morris in his book Catlore and he suggested that sometimes domestic cats bite the hand that strokes them because of a traumatic experience they’ve had in the past and one example might be a visit to a veterinarian. Morris suggests that sometimes veterinarians, being fearful of …

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Infographic on “Why does a cat like being stroked?”

Bodega cat is petted while enjoying a high advantage point and a bit of heat from a device in a shop.

Because of her early days experiences, a kitten equates being provided for with her mother. As the human caregiver continues to provide for the now adult cat, the cat relates to their human caregiver as their mother. Her true mom licked her kitten a lot during her earliest days to clean them, which is …

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Gentle petting and speaking to shelter cats reduces stress, improves their health and adoptability

Shelter cats are sometimes not given a chance to show their friendly character

It’s been found that when shelter cats are gently petted and talked to their chances of developing an upper respiratory infection are reduced. They are healthier because their immune system picks up. And if shelter cats are not stroked and talk to gently, they are 2.5 times more likely to become sick due to …

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‘Cat love bites’ – what do they mean and why do they happen?

Biting after or during petting session

The ‘cat love bite’ is, I believe, a misnomer. This is not about biting you because he/she loves you. Cats might bite their owner for a number of reasons (e.g. redirected aggression) but in this article I’ll discuss the reason why cat owners call this version of cat biting ‘love bites’. It happens when …

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