How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

I think this is quite a complicated question and I’ll try and tell you why. I’m mainly thinking of the full-time indoor cat scenario where there might be half a dozen cats living in the owner’s home. From the cats’ perspective, the house will be divided up into six ‘home ranges’ which overlap in …

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Why does my cat use the scratching post when I get home?

Cat uses scratching post when I get home. Why?

This is a short post because the answer to the question is, I believe, obvious. Although my reason might not be the correct one every time but it’ll be the most common reason. When a cat’s owner is away from their home it is often for quite a long time from the cat’s perspective, …

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Infographic on cat scratching post designs

A slightly isosteric topic but an important one nonetheless as you really want your cat to use the brand-new scratching post that has just been delivered from Amazon. One of the fears of cat owners is that their cat won’t use the scratching post that they have carefully selected. They will if it is …

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Encourage your cat to use a scratching post with your scent

Young cat uses custom built cat scratcher

Encourage your cat to use a scratching post with your scent Cat owners can rub a used item of their clothing or a wet, used towel on their cat’s scratching post to encourage her to use it. Cats love the scent of a damp, recently used towel (my cat in my towel): I find …

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Spoiling Kitties: The Ultimate Cat Furniture

Cat furniture picture

When it comes to giving our cats top notch care – at least in this writer’s opinion – pampering and “spoiling” them ranks high on a kitty guardian’s job description.

But before you disagree and get your hackles up let me be perfectly clear; I am not referring to always giving into their desires; some of their requests may be neither safe nor appropriate for them.

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