Your cat recognises your voice and decides whether to respond or not

When you call your cats by their name, do they respond, or just simply yawn and go back to sleep? When they don’t come to you when you call them, have you ever become suspicious that your cats have honed the art of selective hearing? This burning question may have inspired a group of …

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Cats are Strong Communicators: To Understand them Speak Cat

No matter what anyone says to the contrary, I fully believe that communicating with cats is truly a very special art form. Through the years, I have found that the majority of kitty lovers that I “meet” on the Internet, or those friends in real life who also live with cats, honestly regard themselves …

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Electronic Gadgets Designed to Alleviate Feline Boredom

As far as having an addiction to felines is concerned, it doesn’t take rocket science for anyone to figure out that this writer is not alone in suffering the symptoms of this delightful condition; one, for which thankfully, there is no available cure. Once we are smitten by an adorable ball of fluff purring …

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American Mobile Veterinarians Need More Freedom to Practice Fully

The stringent regulatory regulations contained in the Controlled Substances Act ties the hands of veterinarians in the United States today from legally administering medications that alleviate the pain and suffering of animals who are terminally ill, those with serious injuries or those suffering from painful chronic illness. As the laws stand now, veterinary practitioners …

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Are Cat People Smarter than Dog People?

“Dogs have masters; cats have staff” is a thought provoking phrase with which all cat lovers are familiar. In fact, this phrase is so accurate that it makes me believe that cat people are smarter than those who hang out primarily with dogs. The word “master” is frequently used to describe someone who is …

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We Have Big Cats Living with Us: Only a Diminutive Version

Those of us who share our homes with cats are truly blessed. We are able to marvel not only at their beauty and grace, but at their uncanny resemblance to their bigger predatory cousins; the wild big cats. We are both enthralled and delighted while watching our miniature carnivores lying in wait and then …

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Are Breed-specific Cat Foods Designed for Better Feline Health?

The pet food industry is one of the most lucrative groups of businesses in the United States and Europe, continuing to grow exponentially. According to a report recently released by Petfood, the extremely strong animal/human bond is responsible for helping to sequester the industry from the ravages of a bleak economy. Reported in …

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USA: 2014 may finally become the “Year of the Horse”

Introduction This is about the human-to-animal relationship. If one respects the cat all other animals should be respected. Acting inhumanely towards one animal encourages inhumane behavior towards another. The converse is also true. We need to raise our standards. What do you think about cat meat? (Michael). Horse Slaughter Plants Reopened In 2006, the …

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