He claims he spent $500k on a baby tiger

I spent $500,000 on a baby tiger today and we are not the same

Gavin Mayo on Twitter said: “I spent $500k on a baby tiger today. We are not the same”. Here is the video accompanying those words. So, what do you think? Stupid show off unconcerned or too ignorant to realise that his very expensive tiger cub came from somewhere. What about the tigress-to-cub bond? That’s …

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Testing for a bobcat/domestic cat hybrid

1960s purported bobcat hybrids

There have been many claims that a cat is a bobcat/domestic cat hybrid. Sarah Hartwell, a cat genetics expert says, ‘No modern alleged bobcat-domestic hybrid has been proven by DNA testing’. Although she presents an ambivalent picture about the existence of bobcat/domestic cat hybrids. It seems they may exist but not proven by DNA …

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Poor diet causing major health problems for big cats in private UAE zoos

Wealthy individuals living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who collect exotic, large, wild cat species are often feeding their illegally acquired trophy cats such as cheetahs and lions a wholly inadequate diet of chicken meat and nothing else leading to serious ill-health such as neurological disorders resulting, ultimately, in an early and unnecessary …

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Pet Travel Scheme and Savannah Cats

This page covers the requirements when travelling with a Savannah cat in the EU and the information relates to all wild cat hybrids (see list). There are special rules relating to the Savannah cat in respect of the European (EU) pet travel scheme. This is because the Savannah cat is a wild cat hybrid. …

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California: Petition Placing Restrictions On Wild Cat Hybrid Ownership

A petition has been filed at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the California Fish and Game Commission, which seeks to place restrictions upon the ownership of wild cat hybrids in California.  This is an interesting move.  It hints at what is going on, in terms of attitude and approach, in Australia. …

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