Carole Baskin speaks fluently about ending private ownership of tigers and cub handling

Carole Baskin being interviewed by Wink news

In this interview of Carole Baskin by a presenter at WINK news, she speaks eloquently and fluently about her passion, which is to phase out private ownership of tigers in the USA and to end cub handling. She wants to achieve this through her Big Cat Public Safety Act (BCPSA). She has campaigned tirelessly …

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Kharkiv Zoo’s big cats and bears will be euthanised before Russian shelling gets them

Alexander Feldman. The zoo's owner

NEWS AND COMMENT – KHARKIV, UKRAINE: The zookeepers at Kharkiv Zoo are making plans to euthanize the big cats and bears in case Russian shelling allows them to escape into what’s left of the city. And I presume to save them from being shelled to death by the Russians. Far better to euthanize these …

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Pet tiger wanders around West Huston, Texas and residents reach for their guns. Great picture.

Tiger roaming around West Houston having escaped someone's home where they were a pet

HOUSTON, TEXAS USA – NEWS AND VIEWS: It appears that a Houston resident kept a tiger as a pet and the tiger escaped leading to sightings of it wandering around the suburbs of Houston looking in, my opinion, nervous and not aggressive as described by some. The video shows the big cat on a …

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Are lions legal in Texas?

Male lion

The answer depends upon which legal entity has custody of, or owns the lion or lions. There are different rules for individual people and organisations either for profit or non-profit. I would recommend that you read the law on this which you can find by clicking here. In essence, the answer is as follows: …

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With Doc Antle finished, Carole Baskin can now push on with her Big Cat Public Safety Act

"Doc" Antle

It is end of days for the big four “Tiger Kings” of America. One of these prominent big cat exploiters was (his days are numbered) the exotically named Bhagavan Doc Antle. He has been indicted on various animal cruelty charges and he will, hopefully, follow the path of his associates and end up out …

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Roadside zoo “Wildlife in Need” – further court injunction stopping big cat abuse


Tim Stark owns a controversial Indiana roadside zoo called “Wildlife in Need” (an ironic name as the cats in it are in desparate need of removal from the place). He is associated with Jo Exotic who is currently in prison serving a life sentence for conspiracy to murder Carole Baskin. The news out today …

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