Cat Urination Problems Likely To Be Triggered By Psychological Issues

Worried Cat

The well-known adage, “Curiosity killed the cat” was originally, centuries earlier, “Care killed the cat”. The word “care” meaning to care about something or worry. In the 17th century, people believed that cats could die of worry or anxiety. That idea seems strange to us now and 25% of cat owners in the UK …

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UK Parliament Rejects Cat Mouser

The UK Parliament has thrown away a good opportunity to raise the profile of MPs and cats. The British Parliament (Palace of Westminster), described as “the mother of all parliaments”, has rejected the idea of adopting one, or perhaps, two rescue cats as mousers to keep down and control the rodent population within the …

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Is there a cat expert who can explain what’s this?

The title to this post is from YouTube and it is badly worded but I have retained it. The video maker is asking for an explanation. Here it is. If anyone can add or amend then please leave a comment. The video shows what I’d call a sumo-style standoff to avoid a possible fight …

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Cat Middening

Cat middening is territorial marking behavior just like spraying urine horizontally onto objects such fence posts etc. (see above). Obviously the cat is defecating when middening so that that function is being served but the primary function is to mark territory both visually and through smell. It is a very obvious statement, more so …

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It’s a Cat’s Life

This British cat story sums up the good and the bad, the misfortune and good luck that a cat can experience during her/his life. All the events are fairly typically, except one. The end is good and it concerns Cats Protection. View Larger Map “Nugget” is an 8 year old, microchipped, calico cat (tortoiseshell-and-white). …

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