Most Commonly Reported Cat Behaviour Problems

UK: the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) represents a group of experienced and qualified pet behaviour counsellors (I hasten to add that I’m not that keen on the concept of cat behaviourists or cat behaviour counsellors). In the UK the most readily published information about cat behaviour problems as at 2003 was produced …

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Cat Middening

Cat middening is territorial marking behavior just like spraying urine horizontally onto objects such fence posts etc. (see above). Obviously the cat is defecating when middening so that that function is being served but the primary function is to mark territory both visually and through smell. It is a very obvious statement, more so …

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Abandoning Your Wild Cat Hybrid

Abandoning a high filial wild cat hybrid is a mark of failure by the cat’s owner. It can obviously be avoided with proper preparation and planning. Make sure you understand what it takes to look after a high filial wild cat hybrid before adopting one and then commit to the task for the life …

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Does your cat want to join you in the bathroom?

There are three things in a bathroom that a cat likes… (a) you (b) your scents and (c) for some cats: water. I’ll deal with the first one last. Despite the endless discussions about how cats dislike water, lots of cats like it. Some cats actually join their human in the shower and some …

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Male Cat Spraying

by Michael (London) Cat territorial confrontation, copyright Sheila Steele (Creative Commons) Male cat spraying is a very useful form of communication, both short and long term, for a cat. There’s lots of information on the internet about how to stop cats doing what, in fact, comes naturally to them, namely, spraying. It is firstly …

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