How do tigers communicate?

Tigress and her cubs drinking

Tigers communicate with a combination of vocalisations, scent marks and visual signals. Each tiger hunts alone but they live within a social system and their system is maintained through communication. Vocalisations An expert on tiger vocalisations is Gustav Peters. His work is referred to by Mel and Fiona Sunquist in their masterwork Wild Cats …

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Ragdoll peeing by the front door. What can I do?

Blue Ragdoll is peeing by the front door

This is the current problem as described by Donna Fraser on Facebook (I have shortened her post a little to make it more manageable): So I recently took in this handsome boy Charlie who was re-homed because I was told he sometimes urinates on the tile by the front door. He was re-homed last …

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Do female cats spray?

Yes, adult female cats spray urine for scent-marking purposes. However, mature males spray urine far more frequently at 99% of total spraying activity in a study (Methods of scent marking in the domestic cat by Hilary N Feldman, May 26 1994 – the entire study is published here – see base of page). In …

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Fighting cats fall off roof and dog attacks one of them on ground

Cats fight on roof

This the typical outcome of territorial outside cats. They like high plays so they like to be on roofs but when a cat intruder arrives they might fight on the roof which leads to an inability to observe that they are about to fall off it as they are so obsessed with fighting each …

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Cat smart enough to make his own litter tray when access to his was barred

This is a cute little story which really could be told in one sentence and one photo but I have expanded on it as this form of cat behaviour is interesting. The cat’s owner (guardian) accidentally closed the doorway which provided access to her cat’s litter tray. Just outside the closed door was a …

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Cat Spraying All Over Child’s Bed. Video and Discussion

Cat Spraying Around And On Child's Bed. Video and Discussion

This cat is peeing machine so says Jackson Galaxy. On his Facebook page he presents a video which he describes as My Cat from Hell. This Cat Is a Peeing Machine. In the video we see the cat’s owner’s explaining to Mr Galaxy what their cat is doing. The cat is spraying urine horizontally …

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What causes a cat to start spraying?

What causes a cat to start spraying?

This page focuses on why cats might start spraying having not sprayed. This is a specific point. Despite what some veterinary websites say, as far as I’m aware, there is no evidence which suggests that the medical condition of lower urinary tract disease causes urine marking. “Urine marking” means spraying. Spraying is not innappropriate …

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