Pallas’s cat in snow warms up their forepaws by placing them on their tail

Pallas's cat places its tail under its forepaws to keep the paws warmer when on snow

The question in this neat, short video from the Reddit/Imgur website is whether all Pallas’s cats (‘Manul’) keep their forepaws warm by placing their tail under them when they are sitting on snow. It looks like a very deliberate, automatic act. My thought is that this happens all the time for Pallas’s cats because …

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Do cats like snow? Yes and No.

Do cats like snow? Yes and No.

I’m asking whether domestic cats like snow. There must be two factors which influence the answer, namely whether an individual domestic cat has seen snow before or often and secondly the character of that individual cat. Domestic cats are inquisitive. If they’ve not seen snow before, when it falls it’s going to be at …

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Pictures of Maine Coon females living in Norway

Maine Coon queens of Norway

On social media they are called ‘Three Maine Coon girls from Norway’. Their names are: Tiara, Luna & Lizzie. Here are five photographs from their Instagram page. I don’t know the names of the cats on this page and I am not even sure I have all three here! I selected the photos based …

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Picture of grey tabby British Shorthair on a leash in the snow

Tabby British Shorthair on leash in snow

This is a picture which caught my eye because it is quite rare to see a domestic cat on a leash in any case, but when that cat is a purebred British Shorthair and there is snow on the ground, it makes for a fairly unique picture. The only practical way that a person …

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Cats that live in the snow

Snow leopard Central Karakoram NP Pakistan

I am referring to wild cat species and secondly there is no cat species which only lives in the snow all the time. I guess that is common sense but the wild cat species listed, of which there are 12, spend at least part of their time in a snowy landscape more so than …

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