Sectoral heterochromia iridum- a good example in a cat

Sectoral heterochromia in a cat

I think this is an excellent, even dramatic, example of sectoral heterochromia iridum in a domestic cat. It is normally referred to as ‘sectoral heterochromia’. Heterochromia is when the eyes are different colours. We sometimes call this “odd-eye” colour. The phrase ‘sectoral heterochromia’ means that the difference in colours occur across one eye, as …

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Picture of brown spots in a cat’s eye (iris melanosis)

The eyes of a 21-year-old cat with iris melanosis - iris freckles

This is an excellent example – I would say an extreme example – of iris melanosis in the eyes of an elderly cat. The picture caught my eye (excuse the pun). It comes from the website on which a member of that site (u/lilbeewin) posted a picture of her cat with the title: …

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Cat-eye thread lifts are all the rage but is it right for you?

Bella Hadid and her cat-eyes

The eyes of domestic cats are admired. The evidence is in the current rage spreading virally through Instagram for the cat-eye thread lift. This is described as a nonsurgical, convenient way of altering your appearance which lifts the corner of the eye. It’s a quick and easy procedure which involves inserting a long thread …

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Colour changes in the eyes of an odd-eyed white cat

Ivory has odd eye color and they change in color

Ivory is a 10 year old, white, domestic shorthaired cat with odd-eye colour. Her right eye is gold coloured and her left eye is yellow-green coloured. Her owner, Gabriela Carvalho, 28, a nursing student, adopted Ivory from the same rescue centre that she adopted her former cat from, whose name was Luna. Luna died …

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White Maine Coon and heterochromia iridum

Maine Coon with odd-eyes

This is a photograph of an all-white Maine Coon cat with heterochromia iridum. In layperson’s language, this beautiful cat has odd-eye colour. And it is a classic case of odd-eye colour because one eye is yellow-gold and the other is blue. The reason why one eye is yellow-gold and the other blue is because …

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What causes the range of eye colors in cats?

Atlas a Siamese Mix with calico coat and sparkling blue eyes

The total amount of melanin (pigment) in the iris of the eye determines the range of eye colours in cats and in humans. The same principles apply to all animals with a similar eye anatomy. The pigment ‘melanin’ is produced by cells called melanocytes. The amount of pigment produced and the way that melanocytes …

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