Exorbitant veterinary fee forces owner into DIY dentistry

DIY animal dentistry

A woman living in South Wales, UK, said that she was forced into trimming her hamster’s teeth herself in an act of DIY animal dentistry because her veterinarian had quoted £500 for the task. Danielle Amos, from Sarn, near Bridgend, believes that the veterinarian’s quote was “ridiculous” and confirmed that she had been forced …

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5 preventative steps to better cat health (infographic)

Happy cat campaign tip 3 - the physical levelling up

This infographic is for the less experienced cat caregivers. It is good to know about preventative health care before adopting a kitten or adult cat for the first time. The old adage: prevention is better than a cure is certainly true and good advice. All cat owners and their cats want to avoid the veterinary clinic. Preventative health care helps achieve that goal.

5 preventative steps to better cat health.

Is the kitten healthy? Check list infographic.

Is the kitten healthy?

Click the infographic below for a larger version. It covers the essential basics in order to assess your chosen kitten for health which is the number one criteria when adopting a kitten and assessing the breeder’s integrity whether they are professionals or informal breeders.

P.S. There is a counterargument for adopting an unhealthy kitten! The objective is to save the kitten and dramatically improve their lives. The effort driven by altruism and a desire to help the less fortunate will be rewarded in a closer than normal bond which adds to the pleasure that the relationship brings.

Comments are welcome! Personal stories of kitten adoption are instructional. Please share.

5 things you can do to take care of your cat’s teeth

Proactive measures to help your cat maintain good oral health

Any cat caregiver who is switched on to high quality cat caregiving knows that oral health is a major problem for domestic cats. It’s really quite hard to ensure that a cat maintains good oral health. Normally, we don’t brush their teeth and the kind of food we give them can sometimes help promote …

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Picture of a tortoiseshell cat with a tooth protruding into the opening of their nostril

To almost everyone except veterinarians, this is a very unusual cat photograph. It shows the closed mouth and the nose of a tortoiseshell cat with a tooth protruding from the upper jaw into the opening of the right nostril. And if you look to the right of the picture there appears to be two …

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Guilt-ridden cat owner’s British Shorthair brain damaged during dental cleaning

Cat was brained damaged during teeth cleaning

Introduction Note: I wrote a while ago in draft and forgot about it so I have published it today. It is instructive. There is a risk when a domestic cat is taken to the veterinarian to have their teeth cleaned. I believe that veterinarians tend to underplay the risk. They might say that one …

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Guilt-ridden cat owner’s British Shorthair brain damaged during dental cleaning

Cat was brained damaged during teeth cleaning

Introduction I have written about this before. There is a risk when a domestic cat is taken to the veterinarian to have their teeth cleaned. I believe that veterinarians tend to underplay the risk. They might say that one in several thousand cats suffer brain damage or die because of the anaesthetic. My research …

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