Why do people think declawing a cat is inhumane but neutering is not? Isn’t neutering more painful?

63 jurisdictions ban cat declawing as at Dec 2023

Well, it is a question that of often asked. But the answer is clear and to be honest obvious. Neutering is necessary sadly as without sterilising domestic cats there would be even more homeless cats, more misery and more shelter killings. Declawing is entirely unnecessary as there are alternative ways. Also declawing can cause …

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Try Petspemf for treating arthritis in cats, a device providing Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy. It helps cat caregivers too!

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) using a pad. It is said to relieve pain and stress.

Petspemf is a device designed to provide PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy for pets, including cats. This technology, which is used in both human and veterinary medicine, is known for its benefits in reducing pain, promoting healing, and improving mobility, particularly for conditions like arthritis and post-surgery recovery. Note: I am not paid for …

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Infographic about ‘Bullycats’. Vets warn of painful fate for this hairless breed.

Dwelf or Bullycat

The infographic summarises the situation concisely. Below it I add some detail. The ‘Bullycat’ is clearly a spinoff from the American XL Bully dog which gained such notoriety particularly in the UK where they are now banned thanks to a targeted amendment to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. But the Bullycat is not a …

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A question about a feral cat’s aggressive behavior

Aggressive feral cat

By Karen (Vermont): I have had many strays. This particular cat was hiding in our shed and wood pile as a kitten all last winter. Now it is coming right up to the house meowing and hissing for food. In the last three weeks it has become more demanding and agitated. The other day …

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Nauseating picture of a cougar strapped to a Lamborghini

Rich sport hunter ties his shot cougar to the back of his Lambo

This is a personal tirade. Almost a rant. Sorry, but this man’s behavior makes me angry. He appears to have asked his wife (or a friend) to photograph him with his son as he holds the head of the cougar that he just shot dead on a hunting trip. A very pleasant (not) family …

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West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is grotesque and cruel

West Texas bobcat killing contest

In Texas they have a bobcat shooting contest called the West Texas Big Bobcat Contest. And on Twitter X, Christina, an animal advocate, has posted a photograph (see below) of competitors bringing in their shot bobcats I guess for weighing to see whether they’ve won the competition. To me, it looks grotesque and callously …

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American veterinarian criticises fellow vets for doing non-essential surgery such as declawing and tail docking

Dr Mike Petty DVM

Michael Petty DVM is a graduate of the veterinary school of Michigan State University. He owns the Arbor Pointe Veterinary Hospital. In an article which has been posted on Facebook, he criticises his fellow veterinarians for conducting non-essential surgery: cat declawing, dog tail docking and ear cropping. It is very rare for a veterinarian …

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