A cat mouser in A.D. 1000 in Wales was worth about £13 in today’s money

Howel the Good and 'The Hywel Law Book' or ‘Cyfraith Hywel'.

The Prince of Wales in the year 936 was Howel the Good – Hywel Dda – and he made himself famous in cat history by introducing special laws to protect domestic cats. It seems to me that he is the only leader to have valued kittens and cats in a very precise way which …

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Siberian cat is the most genetically diverse among the breeds while the Burmese and Singapura are the most inbred

Siberian (Nevsky Masquerade) boy: 'Feofan Nevskiy Modern'

I’m going to refer to a study of 2007 which contains a lot of useful information (https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.ygeno.2007.10.009). One of the conclusions which interests me and which might interest others is that the Siberian cat is the most genetically diverse cat breed according to these scientists. And at the opposite end of the spectrum, they …

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What were the first animal welfare laws of America?

First American animal welfare laws?

It seems likely, but I can’t be absolutely sure, that the first American welfare laws in America were published in 1641 by the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was one of the original English settlements in present-day Massachusetts; settled in 1630 by a group of about 1,000 Puritan refugees. You might …

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All of today’s 600 million domestic cats descend from at least 5 female wildcats

African wildcat compared with domestic cat

It is an astonishing thought. About ten thousand years ago at least five different individual female cats of the Near Eastern wildcat (aka North African wildcat) population living in the savannah had the courage to overcome their fear of humans to live in an agricultural settlement in the river-rich lands that form an arc …

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If you believe that a black cat brings good luck this is why

Black cats bring good luck for some. I explain the origins of this belief

To be candid, the superstitions surrounding the black cat are numerous and they either say that they bring bad or good luck in about equal numbers. That’s the power of superstition. Completely irrational but understandable. It is only the human who can harbour these strange beliefs. However, if you believe that black cats bring …

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Famous felines: the stories of history’s most notable cats

Famous Felines

Cats have always held a special place in human culture, often serving as symbols of grace, independence, and mystery. Throughout history, some felines have risen to fame for their unique personalities, captivating stories, and unforgettable appearances. These famous cats have not only entertained and inspired adults but have also captured the hearts and imaginations …

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