Anti-vaxxers say that vaccinations can cause pet autism

Vaccinations cause pet autism

Anti-vaxxers (people opposed to vaccinations) are suspicious about inoculations. They feel that they may cause autism in pets. This is an extension of the long-running debate about the possibility of vaccinations causing autism in children. Scientifically speaking that argument has been debunked but ordinary citizens with children and pets to look after remain suspicious. …

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Cat Urination Problems Likely To Be Triggered By Psychological Issues

Worried Cat

The well-known adage, “Curiosity killed the cat” was originally, centuries earlier, “Care killed the cat”. The word “care” meaning to care about something or worry. In the 17th century, people believed that cats could die of worry or anxiety. That idea seems strange to us now and 25% of cat owners in the UK …

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Laser Pointers Can Cause OCD in Cats. True or False?

There is no clear cut answer as to whether laser pointers can cause OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in cats. The likely answer is that if a cat is stressed or predisposed to OCD, the condition may be triggered by playing with a laser pointer and extended play with the device makes it more likely. …

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I Disagree with Jackson Galaxy On Psychiatric Medication for Cats

I disagree with Jackson Galaxy on psychiatric medication for cats. I’ll explain why. The disagreement may be because he’s an American and I am British. British people have different points of view on administering psychiatric medication to domestic cats. In Britain, it is extremely rare to consider psychiatric medication as a means to alter …

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Feline Psychogenic Vomiting and Regurgitation

Humans will understand this condition. You are stressed and very frightened. You feel physically sick. That is were it nearly always ends. Although not having any clear outward signs of being stressed, a small percentage of cats who lack confidence live under continual stress and never become habituated to circumstances that other cats take …

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