Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic? Infographic.

The infographic below provides my answer, as I see it. You will see different answers on the internet an as provided by AI. I believe my answer is reasonable and plausible. Please contribute by commenting; particularly those who live with a hairless cat and who are allergic to cats! How many of these people …

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Infographic about ‘Bullycats’. Vets warn of painful fate for this hairless breed.

Dwelf or Bullycat

The infographic summarises the situation concisely. Below it I add some detail. The ‘Bullycat’ is clearly a spinoff from the American XL Bully dog which gained such notoriety particularly in the UK where they are now banned thanks to a targeted amendment to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. But the Bullycat is not a …

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Sphynx cats prone to developing yeast infections

There are high levels of Malassezia colonization in Sphynx cats which can cause a yeast infection called ‘Malassezia dermatitis’. The hairlessness of the Sphynx causes many problems another of which is that the sebaceous oils deposited on the skin and not the hair attracts grime and can cause stains. “They stain sheets and such …

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Creepy pictures of a Sphynx cat in a wig and dress

Spooky Sphynx in woman's clothes and wig

These are just plain creepy. Creepypasta comes to mind. They were brilliantly set up and taken by a very clever photographer who I believe is the cat’s caregiver. They have a very mysterious mood. But at this time, I don’t know the photographer’s name. The photos come from a much-retweeted tweet on Twitter. Someone …

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Hairless cat in debauched human pose

Hairless cat mimics behavior of debauched man

This cat photograph, although interesting, is unfair. It is unfair on this individual hairless cat whose pose mimics that of a debauched human. I’m being a bit silly because the cat doesn’t give a damn about being photographed. Although it is a little disrespectful characterising the cat as a hedonistic, debauched human. Cats aren’t …

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Extraordinary face of a male hairless cat

Extraordinary face of a male hairless domestic cat

This is the extraordinary face of a male hairless cat. I have never seen a feline face like it. Although the hairless cats often look very strange. It’s the hairlessness combined with the selective breeding. The breeders try and make their cats look ever stranger to attract attention, and they succeed. This cat has …

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