Pseudo-melanistic Bengal tiger inspects scent marking on a tree

Pseudo-melanistic Bengal tiger inspects a tree for scent

The Indian ranger, Susanta Nanda, in his tweet describes this tiger, captured in a camera trap video, as melanistic. I think, in fact, that the tiger is better described as being pseudo-melanistic. This is because the stripes are still visible against the background but the stripes are much thicker and therefore much closer together …

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Road traffic stopped in deference to magnificent, sauntering tiger

Traffic stops on main road in Maharashtra to let tiger cross

The manual traffic lights signal green for Bengal tiger to cross the main road. The tweet by Parveen Kaswan, a wildlife officer in India, explains it all. It is a very nice video of a magnificent tiger crossing the main road in what is believed to be Maharashtra. An official at opposite sides of …

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Bengal tiger’s giant leap to freedom into the Bay of Bengal

Bengal tiger leaps into the Bay of Bengal and to freedom

This is a screenshot from a video, provided by Parveen Kaswan, of a Bengal tiger being released from a boat on what I believe is a river tributary leading to the Bay of Bengal just south of the Sundarbans which is a major Bengal tiger reserve. It is also the home of farmers which …

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Veterinarians should use their brains and not fight cats

Veterinarians told to not fight cats in consulting rooms

This tweet has gone viral and you can see why. It is both amusing and wise. It is advice provided, I am guessing, from a veterinary association or head vet, which states under “Handling: General considerations”: “The cat is faster and has sharper teeth and nails than you do. It has no “code of …

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Cat furries want to be blocked by the National Police Association

Cat furries and other animal furries are fighting with the police on the NPA Twitter feed

The title might bemuse you because this sort of story is certainly bemusing. It’s a modern sort of story, something you would never have seen about 10 years ago or more. I’ve referred to “cat furries” but actually it includes all furries. I dressed up the title a bit. Get the pun? What are …

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Lawyer seen by judge as a talking kitten in virtual court hearing

Virtual court hearing in America included the image of a cat respresenting one of the lawyers

There has been a million virtual court hearings in America since the pandemic struck the nation and the rest of the world. The US court system use the well-known Zoom technology. In this instance, it was first reported that the attorney’s daughter had set a filter on the software which resulted in him presenting …

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Woman builds cute bedroom for her cats

Cat bedroom

Maud Feijt posted to her Twitter feed pictures of a cat bedroom that she constructed with her partner because she says that “we made our cats a bedroom”. And her Twitter feed has accrued a lot of likes and comments so clearly people are interested in this sort of construction. People like to see …

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