How to tell if a blind cat is asleep or awake (✿◡‿◡)

Telling if a blind cat who has lost their eyes is asleep or awake

I’d never thought of this before. I am not even sure it is a great topic for discussion but it caught my eye in TikTok because it is unusual. Normally the main way you can tell if a cat is asleep is because their eyes are closed (❤️ ω ❤️). For blind cats that …

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Primary Abyssinian cat health problem is inherited progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) causing blindness

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), a hereditary eye disease leading to blindness, was found in the Abyssinian breed of cat

Introduction: I am focusing on the primary health problem suffered by this cat: inherited progressive retinal atrophy which is very serious. The first section was written by ChatGPT, an AI computer. It is well written and accurate in my view. There follows references to 3 studies. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a group of …

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Duty of cat caregiver: (1) keep them safe and (2) find ways to make them happy

Grooming my cat by flea combing around his neck region which is where fleas congregate because a cat cannot groom their themselves

There are many ways to make your cat happy. One of them is shown in the video which I’ve just made. A nothing video. It is not meant to be something great. It is just meant to be an example of how cat caregivers can make their cat happy. In this instance it is …

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Are blind cats more affectionate?

Samuel a loving and highly affectionate blind cat rescued from a hoarder

Are blind cats more affectionate? I don’t know for sure but I’ll guess that they are because they are more vulnerable. They need a human carer more urgently than a sighted cat. They are more dependent on a human guardian. This may strengthen the relationship which may lead to a blind cat becoming more …

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