How to tell if a blind cat is asleep or awake (✿◡‿◡)

Telling if a blind cat who has lost their eyes is asleep or awake

I’d never thought of this before. I am not even sure it is a great topic for discussion but it caught my eye in TikTok because it is unusual. Normally the main way you can tell if a cat is asleep is because their eyes are closed (❤️ ω ❤️). For blind cats that …

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11-year-old Ukrainian girl takes on responsibility of feeding abandoned cats in devastated Ukraine

11-year-old girl feeds abandoned cats in devastated Ukraine

NEWS AND OPINION: The remarkable aspect of this cat rescue story is that the central character is an 11-year-old Ukrainian girl feeding abandon cats in a devastated urban landscape, destroyed by Putin’s artillery and rockets. When she talks to the camera, she points up to the 9th floor of a shattered apartment block and …

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After 14 years family get rid of their 20-year-old blind cat

Abby - a 20-year-old blind cat abandoned by owners

This is bizarre and sad. Blind Cat Rescue (BCR), an immensely popular organisation on Facebook, tell us in a recent post that Abby is now 20 years of age and nicely rehomed at BCR. It is very strange that Abby was taken to Animal Control to be euthanised by her owners because ‘they didn’t …

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Eight year old girl loves blind rescue cat

Britta and Lucky

Britta Bergeson wanted to adopt this one-year-old blind rescue cat as soon as she saw her on the Arizona Humane Society (AHS) website. These small images are linked to larger versions and a short description.   She was a stray cat, whose eyes had been injured beyond repair and had to be removed. She …

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The Blind Cat Rescue & Shelter

I’m sure many PoC regulars will be familiar with The Animal Rescue Site, part of the Greater Good organisation, where we can click daily to help to feed rescue animals in the USA, I’ve been doing this for years now but only about 6 months ago I found out about the Shelter Challenge on …

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Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) Sugar who was dropped and left blind with brain damage Casper was surrendered to the sanctuary along with a Angel was born blind Max was left blind from an anesthesia reaction “The greatness of a nation can be judged in how it’s animals are treated.” Ghandi. I was recently invited …

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