Processed food is bad for humans but we almost always feed cats processed food

Cat food ingredients

Chemically processed food with a large number of ingredients and which is high in carbohydrates is recognized as not being an ideal food for humans. I believe that, nowadays, the general consensus is that processed foods are a major contributor to obesity and illness in people. They certainly contribute to obesity. It’s very hard …

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Fifth of UK cat owners don’t know that their cat is a carnivore

Palmerston the Foreign Office cat

A fifth (20 out of 100 cat owners) don’t realise that their cat is a carnivore so concludes a 2,000 cat owner survey by a cat food manufacturer, Lily’s Kitchen. This lack of basic and essential knowledge on cat nutrition has some startling consequences. Ten percent of British cat owners feed their cats raw …

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The Radura symbol on cat food packaging. Check for it.

The Radura sign on cat food packaging. Check for it.

The Radura symbol indicates that the food has been irradiated to kill bugs and bacteria. It also creates carcinogenic chemicals which can harm pets. Pet food is irradiated to primarily benefit the manufacturer by extending shelf life. It is a cynical process. Watch out for the symbol and avoid these products.

Cat Eating Ice Cream Brain Freeze

When domestic cats eat ice cream their brains freeze. That’s what they say. It is because the cat appears to be temporarily frozen. Firstly, I wouldn’t say that their brain “freezes” and secondly cats may respond differently. I would say that cats react to an unexpected experience. Domestic cats like ice cream because of …

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