Happy cat campaign tip 1 – the discarded cardboard box

Gabs in his box

I am running two campaigns at the moment and they overlap. One is to promote domestic cat happiness. Sounds childish almost but it’s not. It’s about remembering our responsibilities towards our cat companions. After providing security, warmth and sustenance it is down to cat caregivers to make their cat happy! Of course, the owner …

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Pictures of big cats in boxes proves they like them too

Do big cats like boxes? Yes, because they are like dens to females

People ask if big cats like boxes. They are referring to the large wild cats normally the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar. You don’t have to look very hard to find pictures of big cats enjoying snoozing, sleeping and generally messing around in boxes. Yes, they like boxes. Although we are always referring to …

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Cats like boxes because they are reassuring

Why cats like boxes

In general, domestic cats love boxes. All domestic cats have the potential to love them. And if they don’t love boxes, they like to squeeze themselves into tight spaces for a snooze such as a flowerpot. The celebrity cat Maru is the world’s leader of box-loving cats. This desire is so strong that cats …

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You’ll never buy a commercial cat toy after you see this video

Cat loves box as usual

Don’t waste your money on commercially manufactured cat toys even if they make nice looking Christmas presents. Take something like a cardboard box that was packaging for your new 42 inch flat-screen television, which would normally be recycled, cut some circular holes in it and hours of pleasure await the little fella. We all …

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Cats in boxes: Study shows that cats given boxes are less stressed

Christmas is a fun time of the year for our cats. A major reason is cats know they’ll be getting the best gift of all from their human servant: a new box! Several years ago researchers from the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) conducted a study which was published in the journal Applied Animal …

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