What is the most common behaviour problem in cats?

The most common cat behavior problem is depositing urine and/or poop outside of the litter box for one reason or another

Surveys report that between 40% and 70% of cats referred to veterinarians or behaviourist have some type of elimination problem; by this I mean ‘inappropriate elimination’ or to put it another way peeing and pooping outside of the litter box. Inappropriate elimination is, therefore, the most common behaviour problem in cats. It should be …

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Domestic cats sometimes lick and eat plastic bags because they are made of cornstarch

Maine Coon licks and chews plastic bag full of potatoes

Sometimes domestic cats like to chew or lick plastic bags. It looks troublesome but the more likely reason is that the bag is made of cornstarch which is edible. The bag is also biodegradable. Nowadays they even make bags which are fit for human consumption and they can be broken down into a liquid …

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Interpreting the way your cat walks

Cat walking normally

A cat’s gait is one way of interpreting your cat’s mood, her health and mentality. What you can interpret is quite limited but it’s a diagnostic tool which may come in handy from time to time. You probably know, by the way, that domestic cats walk on their toes which means they are digitigrades. …

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Stop your cat waking you at night as per Jackson Galaxy

Ignore your cat's advances at 3 AM to help alter her rhythms

Are you one of those people who strongly disapproves of your cat waking you up at night? You might even lock your cat out of the bedroom. You believe that domestic cats are entirely nocturnal and therefore their body clock drives them to be active at night and passive and sleepy during the day …

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The reason why cats fall off balconies

Cat trapped and saved from falling off high rise building

America is entering the cat high-rise syndrome season. The weather becomes warmer and cat owners let their cats go out on the balcony. Because the domestic cat is so athletic and so capable in terms of walking along ledges and climbing trees, cat owners think that their cat is infallible in high places. They …

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Cat scratches litter box walls and digs a lot

A query about a domestic cat scratching her litter box walls may also be part of a general enquiry about why their cat is digging in their litter substrate too much. It looks like slightly manic and abnormal behaviour and it is slightly abnormal but there is a natural and normal reason for it. …

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Why is my cat hissing at me all of a sudden?

Cat hissing

The question implies that your cat has not hissed at you before and therefore the relationship is good. Despite this, at the time that she hissed at you, she perceived you as a predator. A threatening cat faced with a predator produces a sound that is almost identical to that of an angry snake …

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