Do cats feel the cold (and cold objects)?

Gabs sits on tablecloth because it felt warmer than the cold stone kitchen counter

Yes, unquestionably, domestic cats feel the cold and cold objects. My first argument is that if cats feel the warmth then they must be able to feel the cold. We know that cats like to go to warm places. We all know that cats like warmth. They sit in the sun. They go to …

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Dogs smell signs of cancer – cats too

Does this dog really look like a cat?

Yes, this page starts off with the fact that dogs smell signs of cancer and seamlessly slides into cats…! And back to dogs again. The rules of social interaction are very similar and overlap so perhaps we in the cat world can learn from the dog world and vice versa. A dog’s ability to …

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Do fragrances interfere with the human-to-cat relationship and cause health issues?

Woman spraying perfume on their arm the worst for a cat

By fragrances I mean body perfumes and eau de toilette. The statistia website tells me that in America 39% of men use fragrances every day and 21% several times per week. For women the numbers are 41% and 27% respectively. Only 8% of women never use fragrances and for men the number is 15%. …

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Are cats sensitive to human emotions?

Samson with stroller in background on his balcony in NYC

Are cats sensitive to human emotions? Insofar as human emotions affect body language, “most cats are extraordinarily sensitive to human body language, much more so than they usually receive credit for”. The quote comes from Dr. John Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense. He believes that cats are sensitive to human emotions when emotions …

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