Some people can hear ultrasonic cat deterrents

Ultrasonic cat deterrents can be heard by people sometimes

The ultrasonic sound cat deterrent is recommended by the RSPB. It’s effective between 22-46% of the time and is therefore moderately effective in deterring indoor/outdoor cats from coming into your garden. If they get past the barrier of high-pitched sound, they spend less time in the garden because it is uncomfortable. This device is …

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Why did Martha Stewart’s dogs kill her Persian cat mistaking her as an ‘interloper’?

Burial of Princess Peony

NEWS AND COMMENT: On Instagram, Martha Stewart tells us, 20 hours ago from the time of this post, that four of her dogs mistook her calico Persian cat Princess Peony for an “interloper” and “killed her defenceless little self. I will miss her badly. RIP beauty”. I will miss her very badly’ – Martha …

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Cat fascinated with their pregnant owner’s bellybutton. Why and what?

Cat fascinated with pregnant owner's bellybutton

This video on brings to my mind a couple of questions or more. The first is a well-known one namely whether cats know if their owner is pregnant. That question can go even further because you could ask whether cats can detect if their owner has become pregnant before their owner realises it. And …

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Tomcats cannot tell the difference between spayed and intact females

Big boss cat in Japan

Tomcats can’t, it seems, tell the difference between females who have been spayed and those that have not been spayed. This information comes from Dr. John Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense It is based upon his admittedly “casual observations”. He writes that “tomcats seem unable to distinguish between neutered females that form the …

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