Great-grandchildren of mums stressed before giving birth are also stressed

A mother stressed before giving birth passes that anxiety down the generations

This is a Royal Society Open Science study which should interest everyone including breeders of cats. I have to get cats into the article! But seriously it is information which should concern cat and dog breeders as well as humans. It is important I feel. In my opinion, the finding of the research is …

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A question about a feral cat’s aggressive behavior

Aggressive feral cat

By Karen (Vermont): I have had many strays. This particular cat was hiding in our shed and wood pile as a kitten all last winter. Now it is coming right up to the house meowing and hissing for food. In the last three weeks it has become more demanding and agitated. The other day …

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Why do some cats hate men or a person of either gender?

Why do some cats hate men or a person of either gender?

Cats, like humans, can be influenced by their early experiences. If a cat has positive experiences with a male owner or caregiver at a young age, it may develop a strong preference for males later in life. Conversely, if a cat has negative experiences with males, such as being hit or abused, it may develop a lifelong fear or distrust …

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Waracabra tiger

Waracabra tiger

The Waracabra tiger is a mystery big cat but in actuality it is the combination of South American bush dogs rummaging through the forest disturbing trumpeter birds who howl loudly! Please read on. KPN Shuker, is an expert on the mystery animals of the world and in carrying out ‘crypto-investigations’. His book, Mystery Cats …

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Cat’s expressive eyes and mobile ears

Cat with 2 individual whiskers that curl up and touch both her eyes

The body language of a cat’s eyes and ears are worth a quick discussion and I am reliant on personal experience and that of the vet Dr Bruce Fogle in his book Complete Cat Care. Eyes As is typical of other animals, dilated pupils indicate excitement or enervation because the cat is fearful or …

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Compared to the past, more cats like men for this reason

Female vets dominate the profession in 2023

There was a time when you could ask this question, “Why do some cats hate men?” Around 20 years ago that question would have been applicable and the suggested reason is this. There was a great preponderance of men in the veterinary profession. The argument is that because some domestic cats associated men with …

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Infographic on ‘Train to reduce acquired fear in your cat’

Fearful cat by DALLE E

Fear in a cat can be ‘trained in’ by bad experiences. This infographic is about ‘training out’ that acquired fear (fear developed through experience) through a sensitive, graded and progressive approach to desensitizing the fearful and anxious cat. It is training the brain to accept what once frightened them. The points I want to …

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