Feeding your cat well should reduce the area over which they patrol

Cat feeding

Indoor/outdoor cats do not need to patrol their territory in order to find food when they are well fed. But domestic cats still, instinctively, patrol their ‘home range’ (the area they call home). Domestic cats are attached to their territory as much as they are attached to their human caregiver. It’s about habits and …

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Animal shelters are reluctant to allow a person to foster a cat if they have an existing cat

New cat

There appears to be a distinct difference in opinion between animal shelters and cat owners. I’m told that there is an increase in multi-cat homes in the US. I don’t know the percentage of homes in which there are several cats in that country but it must be substantial. But if you want to …

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My neighbour’s cat asks to be let in all the time, so is he neglected?

Picture of cat at a front door

It is not uncommon for neighbourhood cats to want to visit neighbour’s homes. You won’t know if an individual cat is neglected or well cared for unless you take the cat to a veterinarian which is a possibility (but unusual) if you are really concerned. However, a cat’s general appearance will give you a …

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Fighting cats fall off roof and dog attacks one of them on ground

Cats fight on roof

This the typical outcome of territorial outside cats. They like high plays so they like to be on roofs but when a cat intruder arrives they might fight on the roof which leads to an inability to observe that they are about to fall off it as they are so obsessed with fighting each …

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Boris Johnson, the UK’s new Prime Minister, must accept Larry the Cat at Number 10

Larry meets Obama!

Larry the Cat has been at Number 10 Downing Street since November 2011. For those who aren’t sure, Number 10 Downing Street is the Prime Minister’s office and there is a flat above for the PM and his partner. Note: historically the PM lives in the four-bedroom flat above No. 11 while the Chancellor, …

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