Australian Capital Territory (ACT) acts humanely towards feral cats while the other jurisdictions do not

ACT Government logo

As an introduction I would like to say this: the volunteers who manage feral cat colonies under TNR programs are very decent, kind people. They do their work without charge, freely and with a love of the cats. One TNR volunteers sums it up, “The amount of suffering is the reason that we do …

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Are cats pickier with food than dogs and if so, why?

The answer is a confident yes and it is mainly to do with their sweet and bitter taste receptors. Humans have over 9,000 taste receptors, dogs have 1,700, while cats have only 473. Dogs taste sweetness much better than cats. Another difference is that dogs are scavengers and cats are not. In round terms …

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Feeding your cat well should reduce the area over which they patrol

Cat feeding

Indoor/outdoor cats do not need to patrol their territory in order to find food when they are well fed. But domestic cats still, instinctively, patrol their ‘home range’ (the area they call home). Domestic cats are attached to their territory as much as they are attached to their human caregiver. It’s about habits and …

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Not feeding feral cats does not get to the root of the ‘feral cat problem’

Feeding the staving cats

The city of Weed in Siskiyou County, California, has decided to ban the feeding of feral cats. The law is not yet passed but when it is, if you live in Weed, you will not be allowed to feed feral cats in public places including on streets, sidewalks, alleyways and in parks. The objective …

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You can get sacked for feeding cats at Nova Southeastern University

Nova Southeastern University community cat is fed

NEWS AND COMMENT-FLORIDA, USA: As an employee of Nova Southeastern University (NSU) you can be terminated from your employment if you feed the stray cats on the campus. That is the directive as stated in an email issued by Vice President Daniel Alfonso with the approval of President George Hanbury. The report comes from …

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