Praising a dedicated female veterinarian who walked 3 miles through icy, snowy conditions to treat a very ill cat

Dr Nicole Martin

NEWS AND COMMENT: There is always a time to praise something really good in the cat world. Over the years I have criticised veterinarians but also praised them. My criticism for American veterinarians is nearly always over declawing and is therefore entirely justified 🤔. But in this instance, Dr. Nicole Martin of the Caldwell …

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Is euthanizing a healthy cat cruel?

Is euthanising a healthy cat cruel?

Let’s first define the word ‘cruel’. It means “wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.” Note that there has to be the causation of pain and suffering. Euthanasia done properly by a veterinarian using proper techniques in conjunction with respect and care does not cause pain and suffering to …

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The ETHICS of pet freeze-drying

Freeze-drying your pet

Nobody discusses this topic! No even Psychology Today. There is quite a lot on the internet about freeze-drying your pet but nothing on the more important topic of whether it is ethical. So, what is frieze-drying your pet? Freeze-drying stops the decaying process by using a combination of very low temperature and vacuum application …

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Veterinarian’s hypocritical statement about cat declawing is breathtaking

Declawing cat

The hypocrisy of Dr. Joanne Carlson DVM is breathtaking. She is the President of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association. She is pushing back on a proposed law that would ban declawing in Illinois. Veterinarians normally do pushback when politicians propose a declawing ban because declawing is a good revenue stream for the vets. …

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Choose a veterinarian sensibly (infographic)

Choose your vet sensibly

The infographic says almost all I want to say on the topic but I’ll add a few afterthoughts. If I was living in the United States, the number one criteria would be the head vet’s response to the question: “Do you declaw cats for non-therapeutic reasons?” A yes answer would mean instant rejection. A …

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Disgruntled pet owners disillusioned with private equity-owned veterinary practices in UK

Barkley a bright and loving cockapoo who was injured by an animal hospital leaving him doubly incontinent

NEWS AND OPINION: Britain has changed in almost all respects and for the worse. One area of life that has gone to the dogs is veterinary clinics since the independently owned businesses were bought up by private equity firms. Back in the day each veterinary clinic was owned and managed by the vets themselves …

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Revisiting the notorious Kristen Lindsey criminal case

Kristen Lindsey

The last article on the notorious Kristen Lindsey case on this website is dated 10 August 2019. That’s getting on for two years ago but I’m in the mood to just touch base again on this notorious criminal act by a veterinarian who incidentally was never charged with a crime by the dilatory police. …

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Spaying and neutering is ethical while declawing is not

Declawing is unethical and de-sexing is ethical

Sometimes I see the argument that cat declawing is no different from de-sexing; the spaying and neutering of cats. They argue that they are both mutilations for the benefit of people. This is a poor argument. There are two sides of the coin with respect to spaying and neutering domestic cats while there is …

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