Decision making over veterinary bills in treating old cats

For me, it’s a balancing act between assessing how comfortable a cat is and will be, the benefits and risks of surgery or treatment, the quality of the remainder of the cat’s life and lastly the cost of treatment. Decisions, decisions, decisions…. For all cat caretakers, there comes a time when veterinary bills are …

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Cat defends himself and is put down to test for rabies

This is madness. It makes me mad. This woman apparently took in this stray cat, a tabby and white. She called him “Buddy”. She decided that Buddy wanted to attack her dog so she kicked snow at the cat – you can see it the video. This provoked and wound up Buddy who, unsurprisingly, …

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Heart Sticking Animals in Shelters

Heart sticking, also called a “heart shot” and more scientifically, an “intercardiac injection” is a way of killing an animal at a US shelter. I have no idea how commonplace it is. It is probably fairly rare. I hope so because it is cruel and painful. The idea is to inject pentobarbital sodium directly into …

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Assisted Dying for Cats and People

Cat euthanasia can be abused, while assisted dying for people is underused. Discuss. What is “assisted dying”? For me, it means a person helping another person to voluntarily die because they are terminally ill. It is a form of euthanasia. A person requires assistance because he or she, voluntarily of their own free will, …

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Do dogs get more publicity than cats?

By Elisa Black-Taylor Does the news media prefer to cover dog stories rather than cat stories? I always thought the media would be unbiased, until many of my rescue friends clued me in that cats get less publicity in times of emergency than do dogs. There’s a situation going on right now at the …

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Humane Society Kill Cat. Pros and Cons

This is a pretty typical story and I would like to present the arguments for and against the “euthanasia” (killing in real terms) of this cat as taken from comments. Background Place: America Cat: Mistoffelees – a black and white indoor cat who escaped to the outside. She was spayed and declawed. She was …

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