Cat Eye Syndrome in people, so called because the pupil can be a cat-like slit

Cat Eye Syndrome can give the human eye an aesthetically pleasing appearance with a cat-like slit but the pupil shape varies and there are many potential serious associated anatomical defects

We know that domestic cats’ pupils can contract to a slit rather than a small circle. Tigers have circular pupils incidentally. The reason for this is that it helps to stop more light hitting the retina because the pupil works in conjunction with the eyelid which passes over the eye like a blind. It …

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UK’s teenage girls are like canaries in a coal mine signalling dire world problems

The schoolkids are signalling to the adults that they are screwing up in managing the planet so they stop eating in a kind of protest

The kids – acting like canaries in a coal mine – are signalling to the adults that they are screwing up the management of the planet. The self-indulgent, egocentric adults don’t get it but the kids do. The kids see it and feel it. They see a bleak future but the adults are still …

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Can cats make eczema worse for children or increase the chance of getting it?

Parents should exercise caution when adopting a cat if they are allergic to cats and they are planning a family as it may trigger eczema in their new child.

This is a technical topic. There are a number of studies but it is hard to find black-and-white clear-cut answers which makes it tricky to write about this topic. And I guess it can make it difficult for parents to decide whether to adopt a cat if their child has eczema or they are …

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Gut-brain axis and how a cat can help improve gut health and boost your immune system

Gut-brain axis and how a cat can help boost your immune system

There is an interesting report in The Times newspaper this morning about the ‘gut-brain’ axis; something I had never heard of before. Feeling content can boost gut health which in turn can improve your immune system which in turn can reduce inflammation in your body which in turn can help to prevent diseases caused …

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Too many people are sceptical about the safety and efficacy of routine dog vaccines

There is a high level of scepticism about dog vaccines in America which is concerning and it arises out of the Covid-19 pandemic when there was a lot of misinformation promulgated on social media

It looks as if the rumour mill and conspiracy theories on social media which bombarded people during and after Covid-19 concerning vaccinations against the disease has affected people’s views of pet vaccinations. The experts say that the Covid-19 “infodemic” has undermined trust in vaccinations. This came about because there were hundreds of millions of …

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Improving the health of cat caregivers through prescriptions for fruit and veg!

Prescriptions for fruit and veg is a proactive way to improve health

This is written in good faith with the desire to help. I am not judging or criticising anyone. We are all human. I battle daily to maintain a healthy BMI (currently 20.8). This is another of my articles focusing on cat caregivers rather than directly on the cat. It is looking at cat caregiving …

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Allegedly private clinics cash in on insurance money with false Lyme disease diagnoses

Private clinics are cashing in on insurance money with false Lyme disease diagnoses allegedly

There’s an interesting letter in The Times today (29-08-23) from a doctor, Dr. Matthew Dryden. He says that, in the USA, private clinics take advantage of “vulnerable patients” by allegedly deliberately wrongly diagnosing Lyme disease. This allows them to prescribe a long course of expensive treatment all paid for by health insurance. The issue …

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